We will look further into this. At the moment I don’t see anything that should have changed the way that this function operates. Is it possible that you could send a JIT trace of this event to me?
Immediately after the event happens, go to the main menu of FPS and select “Pattern”. From the drop-down menu click on the “JIT Trace” option. This will bring up a window where you can optionally enter some information about the event. When ready, press the “log” button. This will start to put together a “zip” folder containing a bunch of information about the current state of the machine. It may take a minute of so, and you will probably get a couple of error messages, that’s OK. Make a copy of the “zip” folder and send it to me. It will be located in the C:\FPS\bin folder, and will be named “FPSJITTrace<date/time stamp>.zip, where <date/time stamp> is the date and time the trace was made.
In the meantime, if you use either the ‘stop at end of band’ or ‘stop at end of ply’ option in FPS, it will stop the machine in a position which is on the ‘safe path’ between bands (not on the band itself). As long as you leave motor power on and leave the machine in AUTO mode, you should be able to just press “Cycle Start” to get the process going again (you don’t need to do a patch). This is true if you manually stop the machine while it is off the part as well.
The only time you need to set up a patch is if you stop the machine in the middle of a band (while it is ‘on-the-part’), or if motor power is turned off then back on.